Expert Packing Tips To Make Your Move Easier


The first step in the packing process before throwing stuff into boxes is to gather the proper supplies for your move. The most obvious being boxes, we recommend grabbing small, medium, and large boxes.

Be sure to get all your boxes from the same place to stay consistent with size as varying size boxes can make loads take longer due to inconsistency in the loading process.

Aside from boxes, you will also need tape, packing paper, and a pen or Sharpie before you begin packing.


Now that you have your supplies, it is time to begin prepping your packing process. Start by taping your boxes while ensuring the tape is strong enough and wide enough to hold the various items you pack along the seams of the box.

Once you have the bottom of your box taped and secured, lay a large stack of packing paper flat on a flat and easily accessible surface where you will have enough room to wrap fragile items before putting them in boxes.

Next, organize your space with similar items you are planning on packing away. We recommend starting in the kitchen while organizing your fragile items from cups, bowls, plates, etc.

Keep in mind your items should be laid out closely to your packing paper as you will be wrapping each item individually and this will help save time.


Now that all the prep work is taken care of, it’s time to put that packing paper to use. Start by grabbing a few pieces of your packing paper and crumpling it into your hands then toss it on the bottom of the box to add a layer of protection for your items. Be sure not to compress the paper too much. Cover the entire bottom layer of the box.

Grab the heaviest fragile items first and lay them out evenly on the corner of your packing paper on a flat service. Fold that corner directly over the top and roll the item in the packing paper 1-2 times. Next, fold the side corners in and tuck them with the fold before rolling the rest of the paper.

Now that you have wrapped your first item place it in a way that will ensure it is sturdy and organized. An example is cups should be placed right side up as this will offer more durability than placing it on its side, especially for glass items.

Continue this process until the entire bottom layer of the box is filled.


Now that the heaviest items are on the bottom of the box, you need to ensure a consistent layer as you approach the top of the box. The amount of layers depends on the size and weight of the items you are placing but generally should start with the heaviest on the bottom and work your way up to the lightest on top.

If you are in the kitchen packing, a good second layer after your first would be smaller or lighter fragile items then placed on the bottom. After this layer, begin using plastic Tupperware, dish towels, oven mitts, and other such items that will compress and level out your box as these will usually be the top part of your box.

Make sure your box gets packed to the top without any loose space as this can dent and damage the box along with the items inside if it is later stacked with other boxes. We recommend trying to get as high and level as possible before taping the top of the box.

Taping & Labeling

Finally, it is time to seal your boxes with at least 2 wide pieces of tape along the upper seams of your box. Be sure to run the tape across the top and pull tightly down the side of the box to ensure the tape is secured and sturdy.

Lastly, label the box with a pen or Sharpie. Start by writing down where the item goes (kitchen, bedroom, pantry, etc). Feel free to specify what the item is or writing “fragile” if you are especially concerned or worried about it along the move.


Now that you know how to pack your boxes, it’s time to organize them. Start by making stacks of 3-4 same-sized boxes near a good wide open section of your space with the heaviest boxes on the bottom and working your way up to the lightest on top similar to how you packed them originally.

Keep the same-sized boxes consistent throughout the organizing process as this will make things easier later on. Do your best not to mix and scatter boxes to avoid additional sorting through and locating boxes during the moving process.

That is it for now! great job being prepared and packing effectively as it will ensure a much easier and less time-consuming move.

Jonathan Jack

Hey! I’m Jonathan Jack and I’m the founder of The Limitless Drive. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, online businesses, and entrepreneurship.


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